Re-Opening Procedures
We are excited to worship together!
We miss all of you and are looking forward to seeing everyone on the first Sunday of July. Rest assured, Blessed Hope has a plan outlined to allow for a safe and effective regathering of our congregation.
Below we have outlined our process to ensure our members stay safe and healthy.
There is a registration process as seating will be limited. Each service is limited to 115 members. (not including staff) Registration will open every Monday at 10:00am.
You will have the option of registering for 9:00am or 11:00am
If you are serving in a ministry each Sunday, you do not need to register. However, if you have family attending with you, you will need to register them.
The parking lot will be our meeting lobby! Please socialize while maintaining social distance and please do not gather inside the building.
The building will open 15-20 mins before each service. Through the back door. This is to maintain the exposure to the open parking lot area during this time.]
Chairs, doors, mics, bathrooms, and pews will be disinfected before service, in between services and after each second service.
Masks are required for everyone over the age of 2, but gloves are recommended. If you have medical conditions that require you to eat, please do so before service. There will be absolutely no food or drink in the sanctuary.
There will be nurses taking temperatures at the front door. If your temperature is above 98.5, you will be asked to enjoy service from home. There will be sanitizer stations at each door as well as throughout the sanctuary.
From arriving, to entering the building, seating and exiting, our Ushers will help direct you to ensure your safety. Please adhere to their direction... This is new for all of us but if we work together, we can continue safely.
Once service begins, we will not be allowing anyone to enter and exit as usual. This will disrupt our seating arrangement. If you must get up and leave the sanctuary service at any time during service, we ask that you refrain from doing so until near the end of service and stay in the vestibule until the end of service. We are doing our best to minimize walking past others to reduce potential exposure.
For Service:
Dress in layers. The Air Conditioning will be high.
Limit your bags to purses, small diaper bags.
Please do not bring more than one bag with you.
Please do not bring extra items.
Sanitize your hands upon both entering and exiting the service and the restroom.
When service is complete, we will dismiss by row to avoid walking past other members, and to ensure each member has exited the building.
Finally, if you have a fever, or are feeling ill in any way, we ask that you enjoy our live stream services from your home.
We understand this may be difficult but please know this is a temporary protocol as we navigate The State of Ohio’s reopening plan for churches.
Thank you,
Pastor Johnny F. Twymon